Espyr® Blog

Workplace Crises: The Vital Role of A Critical Incident Response

Written by Norman Winegar | Mar 31, 2024 8:11:00 PM

It’s impossible to anticipate and plan for every tragedy or disaster, and no one likes to think that disasters will happen to them. Acentra Health (formerly Espyr) sees it firsthand every day. In 2023, our clinical team  was mobilized to support organizations affected by traumatic events over 700 times. . Organizations must be prepared to respond to worst-case scenarios. Today, employees are often exposed to various stressors, including traumatic experiences known as “critical incidents,” that can profoundly impact their mental and emotional well-being. Critical Incident Responses (CIRs) offered by Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) play a crucial role in supporting employees after traumatic experiences. In this blog post, we'll explain the role and importance of CIRs, explore their significance in the workplace, and discuss how comprehensive EAPs should proactively help organizations support employees after tragedies occur through applying a critical incident response.

Understanding Critical Incidents

Critical incidents are sudden, unexpected events that have the potential to cause significant emotional or psychological distress to those involved or witnessing them. These incidents can vary widely in nature but often involve situations such as workplace accidents, natural disasters, acts of violence, or the sudden death of a colleague. Workplace tragedies can encompass many incidents within or directly affecting the workplace environment. Here are several specific examples of common, real-world tragedies that might occur at or impact not only our workplace but, in some cases, the entire world:

  • Workplace Accidents: Slips, trips, falls, machinery malfunctions, or electrocutions can result in serious injuries or fatalities. These incidents often occur in industrial settings, construction sites, warehouses, or manufacturing plants, but can happen anywhere. From major accidents like the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill to minor, but equally impactful accidents like this one at a paper mill.
  • Acts of Violence: Workplace violence can take various forms, including physical assaults, threats, harassment, or active shooter situations. This tragic scenario can arise from conflicts between employees, disgruntled clients or customers, domestic disputes spilling into the workplace, or random acts of violence, such as the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, where the entire community was deeply affected.
  • Natural Disasters: Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, or tornadoes can cause widespread damage to workplaces and disrupt operations. Employees may experience trauma from witnessing the destruction of their workplace or coping with personal losses, such as the fires in Maui in 2023 that destroyed a large swath of infrastructure and took many lives.
  • Sudden Deaths: The sudden death of a colleague due to unexpected health issues, accidents, or suicides can have a profound impact on the workplace community. Coping with the loss of a coworker, especially if the death occurs on-site, can trigger intense emotions and grief among employees.
  • Terrorist Attacks: While less common, terrorist attacks targeting workplaces can result in mass casualties, injuries, and widespread fear and trauma. These incidents may involve bombings, chemical attacks, or other forms of terrorism aimed at disrupting business operations or causing harm to employees.
  • Workplace Hazards: Exposure to hazardous substances, such as toxic chemicals, asbestos, or radiation, can pose serious health risks to employees. Long-term exposure to workplace hazards can lead to chronic illnesses, respiratory problems, or cancer, impacting employees' physical and mental well-being – take, for instance, firefighters around the country who are struggling with the risk of cancer not just from the smoke and exposure from their work, but also toxic chemicals in their uniforms.
  • Cybersecurity Breaches: Cyberattacks targeting workplace IT systems can result in data breaches, identity theft, financial losses, or disruption of business operations. Employees may experience stress, anxiety, or vulnerability following a cybersecurity incident.

These examples illustrate the diverse nature of workplace tragedies and their potential impact on employees' mental and emotional well-being. It underscores the importance of proactive measures, including comprehensive Critical Incident Responses (CIRs) from Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), to support employees in coping with the aftermath of traumatic events.

Challenges Faced by Employees After Traumatic Experiences

Following a critical incident, employees may experience a range of emotional and psychological challenges, including shock, fear, grief, guilt, and anxiety. These reactions can impact their ability to function effectively in the workplace, leading to decreased productivity, absenteeism, interpersonal conflicts, and difficulty concentrating. Moreover, untreated trauma can have long-lasting effects on mental health, potentially leading to conditions such as  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if left unaddressed.

The Importance of a Comprehensive EAP

A comprehensive EAP, such as Acentra Health’s EAP, is essential for workplaces that prioritize their employee's mental health and well-being. These programs offer services designed to proactively and preventatively help employees' mental health needs and facilitate their recovery process, in-the-moment or with short-term counseling. EAPs can help mitigate the negative impact of critical incidents on employees and the workplace by providing timely intervention and support. A high-quality EAP will employ a dedicated team of licensed mental health professionals, grief counselors, and more who will be on-call and can respond immediately to disasters in the workplace, over the phone, video calls, and in person. For instance, during the aftermath of the Maui fires in 2023, Acentra Health (formerly Espyr) sent teams of licensed counselors and therapists to Maui to help client members cope with the stress and emotional trauma of the situation.

Critical Incident Response from EAPs

A CIR from an EAP involves the rapid deployment of resources and support services to assist employees in coping with the aftermath of a critical incident.

Comprehensive CIRs offered by EAPs may include a range of services tailored to the specific needs of employees and the nature of the critical incident. These services may include:

  • Consultations with Managers to assist them in helping affected employees
  • Workplace debriefing sessions for affected employees
  • Educational resources and materials for affected employees about coping strategies and resilience-building techniques
  • 24/7 telephonic access to EAP counselors
  • Stress management and coping skills workshops
  • Referrals to mental health professionals for ongoing individual support
  • Follow-up outreach and support services
  • Management training about addressing employee’s mental health and PTSD

Additionally, EAPs collaborate with organizational leaders to develop and implement strategies for managing the incident's aftermath and promoting employee well-being.

The Significance of CIRs in the Workplace:

CIRs are vital to workplaces after traumatic incidents because they provide employees with immediate access to the support they need to cope with the emotional and psychological impact of the event. Moreover, a high-quality, comprehensive EAP with a robust CIR program is vital to workplace well-being before a traumatic incident occurs, as the time to prepare for an unforeseen disaster is before it happens. By offering timely intervention and resources, CIRs help reduce the risk of long-term mental health issues and promote employee safety, stability, and resilience. Moreover, CIRs demonstrate organizational commitment to employee well-being, fostering trust and loyalty among staff members.

The Bottom Line

Critical Incident Responses (CIRs) provided by Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are essential for supporting employees after traumatic experiences in the workplace. Critical incidents may also occur outside of work and still impact large numbers of employees. By offering timely intervention, support services, and resources, CIRs help employees cope with the emotional and psychological impact, promote resilience, and restore order to the workplace. Organizations prioritizing comprehensive EAPs demonstrate that an employer is committed to employee well-being and creating a culture of support, trust, and resilience.