Download this guide to discover the difference between a built-in traditional EAP and a stand-alone EAP and what you'll be compromising. In addition, we reveal why the cheapest and easiest way to address the most significant workplace risks isn't always the answer.
key takeaways include:
- What carriers don't tell you about an embedded EAP.
- What prevents employees and organizations from getting the help they need when they need it.
- The long-term costs of choosing the wrong EAP.
- How Espyr has achieved more engagement to help build happier and healthier employees.
Download your free guide
Will an Embedded EAP Provide the Same Benefits as a Quality EAP?
You wouldn't take health advice from an insurance salesperson, so why get your EAP and mental health benefits from an insurance company? For those willing to invest in their people, a quality and specialized EAP will pay for itself.
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Our health coaching has been very popular among users. In fact, we’ve earned an average rating of 4.7 stars (out of 5).
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Espyr Clients Are Happy
Our clients are so satisfied with our services, in fact, that they’re willing to recommend us to others – at a rate of over twice that of the rest of the healthcare industry.
25 %
The Best
Espyr Clients are Engaged
Through easy and flexible entry points, we meet your employees or students on their terms. A proactive approach, with a focus on prevention and participation, set Espyr apart.
92 %
Our Members are Getting the Best Help Possible
Our compassion-driven outcomes stem from a strong provider network. We continue to expand and evolve our network to work better for all members, ensuring better outcomes and a positive member experience.